Following on from discussion #223 to diversify WBTC/ iBTC holdings to alternative BTC products and #224 to open more Omnipool markets & diversify our BTC - I am creating this proposal as a first step to those discussed actions.
This proposal, if approved, will place the following on-chain remark:
Authorize the technical committee to whitelist a follow-up referendum which will: 1) Suspend trading & addition of liquidity for 2-Pool shares in the Omnipool 2) Withdraw POL BTC 2-Pool position #5690 from the Omnipool 3) Withdraw all POL BTC 2-Pool shares in amounts equal to the ratio of WBTC & iBTC in the stablepool at the time of execution 4) Launch WBTC & iBTC trading directly in Omnipool at the market price of each asset at the time of submission of the whitelisted proposal
The following proposal must be whitelisted due to the time sensitivity of removing & adding liquidity to the Omnipool - if waiting for a full 3-7 days, prices and token quantities can change drastically.
It will: