OnFinality High Performance Public Infrastructure (Q2, 2023)

1yr ago
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We did not ask for this service - you cannot simply spin up service and expect payment, feel free to deactivate your services.


support in this regard what lolmcshizz, for now we don't need more rpcs


@Jose Crypto @lolmcshizz appreciate your feedback however based on the data, the community has chosen to use OnFinality which is why we put forth the discussion.

It's important to note that we started our support for HydraDX in December 2022 as there was demand from our customers (builders of cross-chain wallets, block explorers, and indexers). We don't expect reimbursement from the beginning of our support but as the need continues we thought it was fair to request the Q2 costs incurred from the treasury.

We had a total of 57,645,559 requests in Q2, which is comparable to Dwellir's total requests of 67,778,524. Also note we're proposing a fixed price of $1,860 per quarter which is lower than Dwellir's proposal of $2,148.48.
We've done a lot of work to optimise our costs which is validated by Dwellir's standard pricing cost per million requests (without the 10% discount) of USD$37.29, which is higher than OnFinality's costs per million requests of USD$32.27. I've added an image to the proposal to demonstrate this.

It's also important for a growing community that there are a variety of providers to reduce the risks posed by centralisation of RPC services.

I hope you can understand and support our proposal.



We have taken on board your feedback and will not lodge this proposal at this time.

We remain committed to the HydraDX community and will continue providing the service as part of our complete Polkadot Parachain RPC support initiative

We look forward to working closer with the community as we add HydraDX to our Unified Transactions API for simplified multi-chain development.

Keep an eye out!
