[Tips Request] English to Chinese translation

1yr ago

Period of the contribution: 2023/5/01-2023/5/31

Summary: English to Chinese translation

Requested tip:23098.6HDX (8.2*20/0.0071=23098.6, 7d Ma price on 2023-6-01 ,from Kraken : 0.0071)

Time spent: 8.2hr

The translated articles are as follows:

  1. Hydradx-monthly-update-2

    Stay hydrated!
    Bullish on HydraDX !
    Keep building !

Confirmed by i18n-team: 8.2hr


Guys - 8 hours to translate (followed by another 4 hours to proof read!) is simply absurd.

The original content itself doesn't take anything close to this long to write - I suggest that moving forward you make use of fantastic AI tools to do the bulk of the translation, followed by a small amount of time polishing it afterwards (AI models ofc won't get it 100% correct every time)


In comparison, the same article was translated to Russian in 1.5 hours total: https://hydradx.subsquare.io/post/81


I also agree that the time spent doesn't make sense. Its important to be reasonable with your time and produce work as efficient as possible (see suggestion about utilizing tools like AI). I understand translations aren't perfect and docs take some time to format, but in my opinion the output doesn't match 8.2hrs of work plus 4hrs to proofread (12.2hrs total).


yep as I have mentioned several times before, I consider that the translation is taking much more time than it should be considered efficient.


If you care about the time spent on translation, then I would like to say: the effort and time spent on translation work are originally determined by the nature of the language. Saying this does not mean that I think that Russian is simpler and that it doesn't take much effort to translate it into Russian. On the contrary, everyone's understanding of translation work is different.
English and other languages, as an alphabetic language, are different from Chinese, the only extant pictographic language in the world. If you think that it takes a long time to be a problem of Chinese, then what I want to say next is the most important thing, and I think it should be the task of the HydraDX internationalization team.
There are particularities in translation work. AI tools can indeed speed up time, but if we don’t understand the purpose of translation work, then we don’t even need to use it. The translation plug-in of Google chrome browser is even faster than AI tools, you can just copy and paste, and this skill is almost a basic skill for cryptocurrency players.
So what is the purpose/purpose of the internationalization group? In my opinion, it is to modify the language on the basis of a complete understanding of the meaning of the original text, and to localize the language habits and proverbs that are commonly used in foreign countries. The output of the work should be a modified article based on the national conditions of the country. For example: In the monthly update 3#, "Heads Down As Usual", literally means, put your head down, as usual. However, in Chinese, this meaning can be difficult to understand, as if speaking a kind of body language. AI and browser plug-ins are incomprehensible, because they are translated based on the root, word by word. In the translation work, to fully understand the meaning expressed in the full text, I translate it as: 一如既往,埋头苦干. All the idioms used in it are Chinese idioms, which are very vivid for Chinese people to understand, and can also make Chinese people understand the team's hard work and hard work. The same example still exists: "office hours" in the monthly update, if we directly translate its meaning, it means that the team and the community meet in the office, which is a more formal form. After thinking about it, I translated it as "Fireside Chat", which means the form of former American President Franklin Roosevelt's idea dissemination during the economic downturn. In the 1930s, the economic depression ( just like bear market ), Fireside Chat is a method of activity that he employs to spread the dissemination of his ideas about government work, which has played a very good role in encouraging the people. And a fireside chat, which translates literally to English, friends talking around a fire.
All in all, free translation is more difficult than literal translation, and literal translation does not even require the use of AI tools.
If I am paid less than 40USD for this work, I will not accept it, because I have to make localization changes for each article according to what the team wants to express, which is a disapproval of my hard work . Of course, this depends on how you view translation work.
If you want to know more about the difference between free translation and literal translation, you can visit https://www.fsxiaoyuan.com/news/241.html. It's an article I google about the difference and explanation of the difference between free translation and literal translation. It is said that the article comes from the China Fujian Provincial Translators Association. Maybe you can also try AI tools to translate and understand.
@lolmcshizz @DAKAUAIGUY @Jose Crypto @PDMCNODE



I can agree that CN is difficult, however that applies to all cases of translation

literal translations have never been used and the idea is that you can rely on the available tools to do it efficiently, work smart not hard

I'm sure that using other tools and doing a prof of read - changes, will last less than 8 hours, and on top of that we have to pay 2-4h for the proof read as well? When reading and reviewing the article should take 10min?

To make it clear, I do not think that translations should be eliminated, but done efficiently and i at least will value it that way


It should be noted that this topic was already mentioned before at least by me


Personal opinion on this:

  1. AI tools exist to do the vast majority of the work
  2. The human intervention is only to check that original context has been retained.

This is a translation of this: https://hydradxmonthly.substack.com/p/hydradx-monthly-update-3
This is 1754 words, or 11222 characters.
This at a medium speed of 130 wpm is around 14 mins.
Slow speed of 100 wpm is 18 mins.

So if we were being really critical of it.
20 mins to review it initially.
5? mins to put into chatgpt
1 hour? to review it in Chinese and fit context and formatting

1.5 - 2 hours.


I recommend canceling the translation, the google translate plugin does the trick, it doesn't even need AI.
