Nodle on HydraDX

1yr ago
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Hey Garrett, what exactly does Nodle do? Always exciting seeing new protocols join the omnipool so definitely interested to hear more from you


Why did you choose HydraDX as a key partner and what protocol features are you most excited about and want to leverage in future as part of the collab after opening the channels?


Hey Garrett, following up on this. Would be great to hear answers to the above questions for discussion


@7LGW...PrsB Can only imagine that they are quiet busy flexing at SXSW :)


Hey Guys!
Apologies for the delay, we have been at SXSW! Working hard to onboard lots of people to the Polkadot ecosystem!

Nodle is bridging web3 with the physical world. We started by allowing phones to help connect nearby Bluetooth devices. Enterprises are paying the network to locate thier assets, and regular people are rewarded in NODL crypto. We found this as a way to onboard people who have never used crypto before. We are expanding into POAPs, Photo NFTs, and general bridging of reality to web3.

Regarding how we might be able to work together with HydraDX, we would like to enable users to be able to swap coins on your innovative DEX. Ultimately we would like to enable simple DeFi swap features in our app. We also seek to explore if Hydra is looking at an NFT marketplace.

From our time in Brazil and LATAM we learned that stablecoins are a way of survival for millions of people, we would like to provide the simplest possible way for regular people to interact with web3, and offer those same features to developers.


Well well well, i don't see any objection to this.

My main point is that NODL will have a continuous and regular selling pressure. People scan their environment to get NODL and sell it.

Can it a possible issue for the available liquidity in the omnipool ?


We are working very hard to ship features on the network creating demand. For example, we onboarded a major insurance customer a few months ago, and announced smart missions last week. Smart Missions make the interactions between smartphones and reality fully programmable

We started by allowing anyone to mint Photo NFTs. This could be to verify a mission, or create an immutable record of a location. The feature is live as of this week!

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@7Nhw...mpng thanks for answering questions and discussing the project.

As an Omnipool enthusiast I see no issue to embracing Nodle. It sounds like a very interesting project that will have a market that transacts frequently. Good luck to you sir. I look forward to voting on your referendum to open channels with Hydra

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