Formal motion to change the community memboooor title from a HydraHead to a Hydratooooor

1yr ago
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Personally a huge advocate for point #4 - all my homies love drinking water and I think it's important we all thrive together.

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  • as far as I know (I may be wrong) Thorheads is borrowed from the Thor community.
    They should take an example from us :D

Big bag - Hydratoooor
Smol bag - Moisturizer


I support this.

This change will encourage healthy hydration and more formally opens up Hydra to all water based elemental mechanics and emojis 🌊🌍💧💦🚿🌧️☔🏊. Hydration has a positive connotation, while HydraHeads could tend to be associated with 'talking-head' and sort of has an ignorant connotation.

Hydratooors has better synergy with omnipool - the main showcase of HydraDX. There is also better synergy with the "Stay hydrated" tagline, hydrated farms, and liquidity.

However, I would suggest three or four "o"s instead of five.
Hydratooors ✅
Hydratoooors ✅
Hydratooooors ❌

Five "o"s is a bit difficult for simply minded crypto folks to get right without effort. The average human brain will struggle to cluster this many "o"s. My brain finds it significantly more difficult to quickly assess how many "o"s are in the five-"o" version.

While there may be precedent for 5 "o"s, there is no reason we should follow a poor precedent.

Phone numbers are typically clustered in threes and fours. There is phycological reasoning behind this it's better from a usability perspective.

Social media references will contain fewer errors and have better consistency if we go with three or four "o"s. This will help with trending ratings and examples of inconsistent use of five-"o"s already exist in discord. For character limited social media system, fewer characters allows greater flexibility.

Personally, I feel much more comfortably referring to myself as a Hydratooor than a HydraHead.



@amphibiousParakeet I am also in favor of 3-4 o’s vs 5. 5 seems excessive. If we are aligned on the idea then we can sort out the specifics of the o’s


I never thought of such good arguments for the theme of the os,

I am in favor of changing it to hydratooors, so we can identify ourselves better and make better comparisons with HydraDX, liquidity and others, they are all benefits-

especially the fact of reminding people to drink enough water during the day


Big fan.

5 o's is optimal, easy number to remember, and 3 or 4 is too short to really be comical.

Besides, a 5 headed hydra is better than a 3 headed hydra.
