Listing HDX on more CEXs.

9mos ago
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Hello everyone, it seems that you can leave comments on the account of exchanges here.
I'll write it like this:
It is necessary to ask the management, and in general they have plans to list on the stock exchanges? If they have money for listing? for a market maker? for marketing? and a project like hydraDX needs listing on 2-4 exchanges at once. Yes, I'm not talking about Bybit, but let's say MEXC and kukoin-why not?
I will say for myself- I support listing on exchanges. If he wants to continue to be only DEX, this is a bad story for me. How can we attract a new audience? If hydrax beats in the chest, we are DEX and only DEX, then you will not attract a new audience.
An ordinary Johnny or Jessica does not need these DEX- he sits on MEXC or OKEX and trades there.
You can criticize

1: Do you support HydraDX’s paid listing on more CEXs?-Yes
2: What do you think are the principles for HDX to be listed on CEX?-
3: From your perspective, which CEX would you recommend HDX to be listed on?-MEXC kukoin gate io
4: Before June next year, at least how many CEXs do you suggest HDX should be listed on? 2-4 exchanges, not counting kraken
5: Of the two packages provided by MEXC, which one do you prefer?-If there is money, then let's Launchpad
6: Other ideas or suggestions.-There is an idea when you can make a listing, but it is very risky. During the halving of bitcoin. There will be all the attention of the world on cryptocurrencies, even those who are not interested in them, and if you conduct a successful PR campaign on those sites where there will be a listing (Bitcoin has halving, we have lisiting-the main DEX Polkadot is coming) on twitter, we may be noticed. Since there will be a wave of news . But the risk is that we may not be noticed even a little bit, since all the attention will be on bitcoin.


Up 4

1: Yes
2: I agree
3: MEXC, kucoin,
5: Launchpad

Up 4


Up 2

I agree! HDX needs to have more channels for more people to understand and be held, because assets can only create greater wealth value in rapid flow!

Up 2

I completely agree! There is an ancient Chinese saying that goes, "Those who receive the Way will receive more help." The more path there is, the more help there is. HDX is still a child, and the development of a new thing not only requires necessary technical support, but also needs to be promoted to different groups of people. The Chinese community is an indispensable force in the global cryptocurrency circle. HDX needs and needs to go to a bigger stage to showcase its power!

Up 1

I agree that HDX should be listed on centralized exchanges.

HDX itself is a financial product.

When a financial product, enters a more liquid market, it can offer several benefits. Firstly, the increased liquidity allows for easier and faster transactions. This is because the supply and demand for the product are constantly adjusting, leading to more efficient pricing and a greater ability to quickly buy or sell without affecting the market price.

Secondly, the product may benefit from increased market depth. A deeper market ensures that there are more participants willing to buy and sell at various price points. This provides more opportunities for price discovery and risk reduction.

Lastly, a more liquid market usually has lower trading costs. As there are more buyers and sellers, the spread between bid and ask prices is narrower, resulting in less opportunity cost and lower transaction expenses.

In general, a financial product entering a more liquid market can enjoy the benefits of more convenient and rapid transactions, increased market depth, and lower transaction costs.

Up 2

I agree!
I think HDX can be accessed on any trading platform, as CEX is an important platform to promote HrdraDX, which is a necessary path for a celebrity project to succeed. Excellent projects like HrdraDX should not be buried here. They need to be understood and owned by more people around the world.

Up 1

Yes let's get $HDX into Binance as well


In general we first should acknowledge that we are a DEX and the main volume should be via the Omnipool to profit token holders and keep numbers high.

On the other hand the question rises if this needs to be done or even can be achieved via $HDX. The biggest volume will surely come through other tokens. Especially if we somehow open the floodgates to non Polkadot assets.

Considering this I think we would benefit greatly from some more solid CEX listings. Just not subpar ones. MEXC might be okay if the Chinese community is in favor of this. We should aim for KuCoin, but especially for Binance and/or Coinbase as well. But only as long as its economically feasible. So low to medium 5 digit sums for lower tier exchange and a low 6 digit for Binance would be absolutely okay imv.

As an example Zeitgeist has an listing. I don't think they paid for it. But its completely useless. It's 1,05k USD to sell it to zero and 3k USD to buy it up over 110%. So no one can trade on there. We definitely should not par any substantial amount for such an experience. And MEXC and Gate are kinda similar imv. But I am happy to be corrected.


Up 1

Although Im agree that more options would be good

I honestly don't think this listing benefits us in any way.

My guess is that the liquidity will be so low that it will not make the trading experience pleasant. So the people at the end will prefer use Omnipool to buy and sell on greater sums

At this point I think it won't have a very big impact.

so my vote will be nay

Up 3

I agree with Jose.


Yes I think we should try more listings on CEX.


Less listings on CEXc


To make an educated decision. We need to know the Cost for all the relevant DEXs.

Binance, Coinbase, Kucoin, OKX, Bybit, Upbit, Gate, MEXC.

MEXC With 60k USD and 60k USD in HDX seems a lot. Compared to Upbit 500k USD and 500k USD in HDX. it seem cheap again.

There needs to be data about ROI as well. Sure we can pump 120k into MEXC and Gate, but will this bring any positive effect or will it just cater to the 20 chinese community members who are not able to set up a VPN / get a way around the great wall.

Question for them. Subsquare works but app.hydradx.ip doesn't?

Up 1

Please don't waste money on mexc & Gate. Better use the money to trade/arbitrage directly on hydradx & Kraken. Kucoin, Binance, Coinbase in that order would be perfect listings with value-add


I've deleted my discussion titled revisiting listings on more Cex's to address it here. This thread was started 1 month ago and MEXC was rejected. But the majority here agreed that listing on more CEX's would be good correct? My question is....where are we with this? Any further action being taken? there's been no more comments here so I'm simply inquiring.


Listing on a DEX does not inherently assure an improvement in liquidity and market stability. Prioritizing the attraction of users to the Omnipool should be the focus.


I'm not sure if this is completely related to the original topic and I couldn't find anyone talking about this elsewhere. Has the team tried submitting a request to CoinMarketCap to add HydraDX to their list of DEXes? It's quite the lengthy form to be filled but it should be worth to give some visibility.


yes its listing szn


yes agree, let's get HDX on MEXC and more CEXs!

Up 1

sounds good! happy to support this


now would be a good time to take advantage of listing on more exchanges to get more eyes onto the polkadot ecosystem and when rebranding to Hydration Network to boost users to the network .
What do we need to do to get this done with the treasury ?



i agree, would be nice to have a listing on major exchanges like binance or coinbase. The council should start discussing this and get a referendum out for us to vote on IMO


1: Yes
2: I agree
3: MEXC, kucoin,
5: Launchpad

Up 1

Great, I am really looking into this one!
