On 10/06, I was a speaker at a cryptocurrency event in Curitiba, Brazil, aimed at crypto enthusiasts. The event focused on various blockchain networks, and I was representing Polkadot as an ambassador. I seized the opportunity to have 16 HydraDx T-shirts made for distribution among some of the participants. It was a relatively small event with about 50 attendees, but it brought together people from various blockchain networks with diverse interests. I believe it was a highly productive event, as around 10 individuals who attended later joined the HydraDxBrasil Telegram group. The Brazilian community around HydraDx is continuously growing.
At the last minute, I managed to secure a slot with the event organizers to also talk about HydraDx Brasil. I adapted a presentation that @lolmcshizz shared with me (from Polkadot Decoded) and spoke to the audience about omniPool, DCA, splitting, and upcoming developments in HydraDx. It was a great event.
The request for tips here is to cover the costs of the T-shirts that I gave away at the event.
16 T-shirts
Each T-shirt cost $7,60 USD.
16 * 7.60 = $121,60 USD
Delivery fee: $10 USD
Total: $131,60 USD
131.60 x 0,00441568 = 29802,88 HDX
Total: 29802,88 HDX
PS: Below are photos of some people who won the T-shirts.
I did not request tips for the time I spent preparing and scripting the presentation because it was a last-minute situation, and I didn't have the opportunity to inform the council members beforehand. However, if you feel that there is no problem, please let me know, and I can create a new tip request. I dedicated approximately 5 hours to fine-tune the presentation, create a script, and deliver the speech.
hey sir , thanks for the interest and support
As a note, would be good to add some photos (currently the photos do not appear) and some comments on networks or chats if possible, about the event
Regarding the time spent, I will personally add only 2 hours ($40) to the current tip not the 5h, given that it is under consideration of each council as you already mention at the end of the comment
also i will use the last 7d avg price from Omnipool ( 0.00428)