Proposal of Production of basic HydraDX videos for Hindi audience

1yr ago
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Hey, I appreciate the interest, but I feel that this type of proposal is not for us, why ask for a tip before making the videos?

You could just make a video, and later if you see that it has a big impact, request a tip and see if the council sees that you deserve a tip.

at least that's my opinion, others may have a different one

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Hey Hitesh!

Personally I do see a lot of benefit in having factually correct information for HydraDX be available in Hindi - it is indeed a very large audience.

For any Councilors who may not be familiar with the work of Hitesh and the DescribeDot team, here is a link to a discussion thread attesting to the quality of their videos, including a nice review from Anaelle (it should be noted that this council motion did not pass, purely because Kusama Councilors were a bit lazy and subsequently apologized).

Hitesh, I believe that you would get more Council support if you had some more detail in your proposal. Some changes I would suggest:

  1. Start with a lesser amount of videos, for example 1-3 videos and provide details about the titles/topics of the videos. For example "What is the Omnipool, and what problems does it fix?", "How HydraDXs 2 token model works", etc. Once the HydraDX community has had time to digest your videos, you can of course try to request further treasury funding for more videos.

  2. Provide a cost breakdown per video, itemized to include approximated manhours for research, recording, editing, etc and the cost per role (or you can include a standardized hourly rate).

Hopefully the other Councilors can give you some feedback too!



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I agree with what was said above, provide a breakdown per video with all the details shpuld be useful for all the comunnity, not only the council

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I second Leemo's comments re: desire to see high quality produced video content for all audiences, and personally hope to see sensible proposals from others for other languages/ communities in the future.

I think a good starting point would be for a single video (maybe 2 if you can convince me that you can't cover it in 1) which introduces HydraDX and Omnipool and explains the premise clearly - I certainly don't see a need for 10 videos at this stage. Perhaps if the content in the first video is well received we could consider further videos after release for e.g. guiding how to use the dapp, etc

I would also like to see some more detail on specifics of the proposal - how long it would take estimated per video, what are ballpark costs, etc - this will give the Council more substance to consider before we move any further forward.

Thanks for your proposal, and look forward to seeing how it develops.

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Thank you very much for all the support. We have started to work on our research part and we will be delivering our first video shortly. I agree with all the points mentioned by @Leemo @Jose...ypto @lolm...hizz and I understand their concern. Keeping this things in mind we will then submit a treasury proposal.


Also I wanted everyone to bring to your notice that @Jose...ypto @Leemo @lolm...hizz we haven't created any video regarding shilling the price of any tokens. In future also we are not going to do this, We have made sure that we market the technology. Let the audience know the innovation behind Polkadot or Kusama

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@7N5x...Yi8Z good tonknow, also would be good if you ppst the breakdown of the pricecost of the videos, for future references and this first video too
